Sunday, October 31, 2010

What you need to know about depression and anxiety

While depression and anxiety are two different conditions, there is a close link between them. Some studies suggest that up to 85% of people with major depressive disorder also have symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Although researchers are not sure why two conditions seem so often occur together, also have concluded that it can be treated in a similar way, both with respect to medications used, and also forms of treatment that have demonstrated effectiveness.


A person with depression has generally low levels of energy, found little or no pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, including sex and often has an overwhelming feelings of despair, fear, sadness, guilt, or anger.Anxiety is more acute, causing a feeling of imminent danger, a need to retire, flee or hide and physical symptoms that can mimic heart attack or other físicas.Uno reason for the close correlation between depression and anxiety disorders may be involved in the loss of control that a person experiences with both condiciones.Cualquier loss of control of life or circumstances can bring feelings of depression and anxiety.


A sense of danger or deep fear often with no apparent cause, is the hallmark of anxiety.This feeling makes the body's response "fight or flight" turn on, elevates the heart rate, blood vessel constriction, and injection of adrenaline into the bloodstream, to prepare the body to deal with the "threat".Dado a person experiencing these feelings often feels completely out of control, can be one of the outcomes in the long term from anxiety attacks repeated depression and its related conditions.

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An aromatic anxiety aromatherapy - control way attacks

Anxiety. What is anxiety? For many people, is a sense of control or lack of it. However, it is much more than that. In technical terms, is a State of mind which focuses mainly on the negative emotions, thoughts and feelings.

Anxiety occurs when fear, nervousness, paranoia and the concern of being too and set.Post traumatic stress often increases anxiety - often seen after a serious car accident or a gun battle, or even guerra.puede be so overwhelming that can interrupt routines from day to day and that have become too difficult to treat.

Natural anxiety medications are starting a trend popular.A regret that medicines are useful, also can help these natural remedies. Such a remedy is aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is a popular trend for many people.Use of essential oils is seen as one of the best natural cures to provide a sensation induced by the therapeutic treatment for those suffering from anxiety.

While there are many other natural to "cure" anxiety aromatherapy still is preferred due to how easy it is utilizar.Es maximum approach to health that uses forms on essential oils very differently concentradas.funciona calm the body and the nerves to help reduce anxiety that one feels soothing remedies.

Certain plants are used to help reduce anxiety, depression and other disease and the symptoms of disease.

Ways to use aromatherapy - oils

* Rub skin, massage into skin
* Inhaled
* Put in the tub

When you use fragrance stimulates the body and all negative thoughts, feelings and emotions are thought to give way to the tranquility.

Listed below are some of the essential oils that can be used.

* Lavender
-By what is known to be used for a purpose sedative
-Calms and relaxes the majority of people

* Increased
-Refreshes the soul and brings joy to the heart
-Has effect of harmonisation
-Opens the heart and the feelings of anger, fear and anxiety headquarters
-It is good for behavior, emotional stress and anxiety problems

* Cal
-Very refreshing and uplifting
-Is good for the mind tired and fatigue
-Aid to anxiety and depression

* Jasmine
-Help to reduce fear and improve confidence in itself
-Very good emotional dilemmas

* Bergamot
-anger and frustration soothed
-Help to restore confidence in itself
-Evokes joy and warms the heart

* Cypress
-Reinforces an overloaded nervous system and restore the calm

* St. John wort
-Help with mild depression, anxiety, stress and irritability

* Chamomile tea
-Has a relaxing effect
-Place ten drops in bath

Before starting therapy aromatherapy, consult a physician should hacerse.Las pregnant women need especially talk with your doctor in doctor before starting any therapy in herbs.

Aromatherapy is a natural cure that consists of the oils used for anxiety and depression. this type of treatment is effective and popular.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Life Raft - Get Your Life back after divorce, loss of employment, depression, anxiety, death or trauma

My daughter died by suicide at the age of 17. Lose you to death has been an event more devastating, painful and debilitating of my life. To manage the overwhelming array of emotions that arise from my pain, I developed a LIFE RAFT, a set of tools designed to not only survive, but to embark on a new life of joy and happiness.

LIFE RAFT is an acronym for:
L = others for ayudarle.I = identify their emotional pattern F = flow E = emotions are Chaotic R = respect their needs A = aware of NOW F = find Joy T = Timechunk

Let's take a look at each one individually:

L = Let other Help You: feeling down, leaving others help help is hard to do, however, one of the more importantes.Desde birth, it teaches us to be self sufficient, hard, strong. Well-meaning friends often echoed this sentiment saying we suck, let's get over it. This Council is simply bad! Who heard for a cancer patient to get over it and move on with your life?

Those of us in emotional pain cannot be moved or get over it. Our emotions are living with us. We must deal with them, not to bury them.Others asking for help in any way that we need (e.g., mowing our lawn, hear our sadness), not only help us feel better, allow our friends that give us a gift precious. remember how it felt the last time that helped a friend? Make that your friends to give her the gift aid. Don't be shy. We ask them. Want to help you.

I = your emotional pattern identification – identify their emotional pattern their individual and unique emotional mood mapping environment. We all cycle of emotions at different speeds and with different intensities in response to the events of life. Pain, for example, we can experience sadness, joy, anger, and laughter in minutes or in the course of an entire day. Learn about the frequency and intensity of our mind gives us the opportunity to know what to expect and when to expect it. This step in the awareness of our emotional patterns can significantly relieve anxiety.Once we know what they are most likely to follow our emotions, imprison because no nos.Nos became free. Therefore identify their emotional pattern. It is what it is. Do not try and change it. Be aware of this. For more information, see "The secret to overcoming his depression".

F = flow: emotions must flow through you. Not fight against them. Accept them. As pain, not go below of them, about them or their around. It should experience all aspects of pain, sadness, pain, mania, etc., that comes your way. It is as simple as that.

E = emotions are Chaotic: emotions are chaotic and can dramatically change a moment to another. It is ok. You need to leave your emotions be chaotic. Accept the fact that are chaotic. We know that you won't last forever. Any emotion feels will eventually change.It's a basic truth.

R = respect their needs: in the past, I often found myself doing what others want me to do, behaving as desired by others I to behave and thought as others wanted me to think. Said Yes when I felt like saying no. Those days are gone! Don't be afraid to let alone if you say is not in their best interest. This is not selfish!This is simply taking care of ustedes.Así my Council is making decisions that are in your best interest and if you decide to go against what you really want, think or feel, be aware of the reasons does it. Respect and protect your staff needs and you will experience more happiness.

To = Awareness now: in vivo at present as far as possible. There are surprising colorscapes, smellscapes, touchscapes to be experienced at any time. Don't miss from them. Attention (once saw a Bumblebee sleep in my flat in the Centre of day). Once the time is gone, gone forever.Practical living in the present.This alone will transform your life.

F = find Joy: find activities that give pleasure and joy.Experience them often.If you like paint, write, walk or talk, knowing what gives you joy and help put these activities in your daily life as often as possible to live a fuller, more life satisfied, more cheerful.

T = Timechunk: If the day seems overwhelming, cut it down into small chunks of time.Think only the next hour, minute, or second if the day or week seems overwhelming.Each of us has a bucket of specific size containing our emotions.When the bucket is full of negative emotion, life seems overwhelming to the point of paralysis.We cannot help us us mismos.Si began to focus on a small time increment, less filled with cube and we are able to cope with life more eficazmente.Por therefore fragmented up!

Life rafts are designed to save lives .the approach LIFE RAFT presented here saved mío.Espero which will be useful in the management of their own pain, depression, bipolar illness, divorce or any another traumatic event or loaded the vida.Doy anxiety welcomes your comments and stories.

Patti Tillotson is a survivor! A survivor of the death of his teenage daughter by suicidio.Un survivor of breast cancer and a survivor of her own depression during the vida.Ella is a training Ph.d. scientist and currently focuses on the prevention of suicide in adolescentes.Para raise money, she has established a non-profit organization called StepsForSteph in honor of his daughter to prevent suicide teenager in Stephanie.ayudar

Friday, October 29, 2010

Symptoms of depression - anxiety 101

While anxiety and depression are interrelated, and often need the same kind of treatment are not the same thing.

Anxiety occurs in situations where a person doesn't necessarily have a reason to be anxious and there usually signs warning. depression on the other hand may occur due to anxiety and it is likely that let the person feel sad or down.

A feeling of hopelessness and despair total is a symptom of depression anxiety and as a disease can cause the other two conditions are generally treated together.Depression is more likely to occur when treatment does not initially prompt for anxiety and the person is not aware of how to treat the following symptoms.

When someone is suffering with anxiety depression zapean all your energy and feel tired most of the tiempo.Comienzan feel as if they are at the gate of deaths and decide if they can sleep all the time, have to deal with what really is happening, and why we feel anxious first.

When Depression anxiety symptoms are caused by anxiety, there are techniques of treatment, such as exercise and relaxation that can be of great benefit.Relaxing the muscles you will feel less tense and by participating in the exercise of chemicals released into the brain make you feel happy, as well as offer you luxury free PT up anger and aggression in a positive way.

When you feel healthy due to regular exercise, improving self-esteem, and is a key to the prevention of depression. other beneficial way to treat the symptoms of anxiety depression without the use of drugs is cognitive behavioral therapy.

This helps the person to identify the reason why they feel anxious and depressed and gives them the necessary techniques to deal with the situation. therapy itself refers to reducing the attitude that bad things close to happen as negative talk plays a large part of the anxiety and depression.

Things you can be further improved when you increase your levels of energy by eating saludablemente.Por example, reducing your consumption of sugar and caffeine and supplement their diet with vitamins herbs are sure to see a significant improvement, naturally in its more health for all.

Learn to think itself in a positive way can help the symptoms of depression anxiety reduced.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Depression in the workplace - what you need to find a solution

One of the best ways to treat depression is knowing the signs. Depression can occur throughout the world and the recognition that these signs is the first step in the treatment of this condition. There are several cases of depression associated with the workplace. Those with very stressful jobs or jobs that are not very attractive can lead to depression. In this article we will see some signs that can see in the workplace. Let's see how to recognize these signs and we will see some ways to combat them.

Educate yourself about depression is the first step.If you have an employee who is suffering from depression, even if this condition is under control, might affect the performance of such persona.Tenga note that this does not mean that the person is inefficient, it is merely a disease.

Sometimes people with depression not paying attention to their utility.If watching these people, who perform tasks with unnecessary risks, it is a sign.If this person suffers from too many accidents, this is another sign.

Pay attention to the frequent changes of actitud.estas people can change a State of anger sadness and can stop even cooperate at work.

It is necessary to pay attention to people with low self-esteem.If you listen to these people complain too different aspects of their lives, there may be depression.

Some people seem to be constantly tired;This can be a point to consider. depression can cause chronic fatigue.If the person seems tired all the time or constantly complains about feelings of fatigue, should pay attention.

If these employees appear to be missing too long, this may be a sign of depression. many of these people called to say they have a cold or another disease.Of course nobody called say is depressed.

Depression in the workplace exists and can be tratada.Como entrepreneur, the first thing you need to do is learn to recognize the signs that indicate depression. next, must learn as much as possible about this last enfermedad.Por, should encourage their employees to seek help.

If you need a programme of dual diagnosis, find good information about the options you have disponibles.Usted can help their loved ones who might be suffering from depression, anxiety, the addiction and other conditions.

How to overcome depression, anxiety and distress for insurance

For many people today still, interpretation of dreams is a philosophy. If you search in all dream Internet sites, you will see that they give you ready answers about the meaning of each symbol of sleep, based on your assumptions. Do not attempt to decipher the mysterious dream language: give their performances and tell them that this would mean that, but nothing is safe... Therefore, you cannot learn anything really.

Only the scientific method of interpretation of dreams gives serious and precise translation of messages of sleep and its symbolic meaning.

For converting images in words, meaning that the unconscious mind, dreams, which produces is to give each imagen.Esta translation is not a collection of assumptions, as it is used to obtain elsewhere.

The scientific method gives you a specific definition for dream symbols them relating to his life, and you understand that your translation is correct, because you discover the origin of depression and how to overcome it.

Notes that dream images are reflecting their internal problems or the problems they face in their daily lives, and begin to learn many things about yourself, others and the world where you live.

You have explanations about everything, and so their anger is eliminated by understanding.

Depression disappears as you keep following the prompts of dream and understanding of what their mistakes were and you have to do in order to act as a mature and wise person.

Your life begins to change, in the same way that your behavior changes when you analyze your dreams while you learn to be wise and sensitive, develop their intelligence.

This way you are no longer concerned about everything: can predict the future, since it has warnings in dreams, and can also previously correct future development that could have a negative impact on their lives.

You will discover that you have a screensaver you, send messages of important to sleep every day and in order to help you become stronger and wiser.

If you don't believe you can write down your dreams every day, less writing the most important, that you really wonder about his significado.Se trafficking in how should begin.

Later, interpretation of dreams is your hobby, especially when you very well learn the language of dream, because it will always be guided and has many advantages in all fields.

Interpretation of dreams in accordance with the scientific method is not only the only method that can assure that easily disposed of depression, anxiety and anger simply by writing their own dreams and translate them into agreement with the scientific method which course you follow the wise instructions of the unconscious mind that is constantly protecting your mental health: this method can also assure you that will become a genius if continues to develop his conscience on analysis of dream, becoming a superior person this way from the common human being.

Preventing depression and the madness of the scientific method of dream interpretation, discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued investigation of Jung the unknown region of the human psychological sphere.

More information at:

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook Beating depression and madness.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cure anxiety - Smart ways to get RID of anxiety

Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by cognitive, emotional, somatic components and behaviors. These components are combined to create the painful feelings normally we recognize as anger, fear, fear or concern.

Anxiety often is accompanied by physical sensations as palpitations of the heart, nausea, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, stomach ache or pain cabeza.El cognitive component entails the expectation of a diffuse and certain danger.

Anxiety disorder symptoms blood pressure, sweating increases, increases blood flow to major muscle groups and functions immune and digestive system are inhibited.

Externally, the anxiety may include pale skin, sweating, tremor and dilation of the pupila.Emocionalmente anxiety causes a feeling of fear or panic and physically causes nausea, diarrhea, and chills. Behaviorally, voluntary and involuntary behaviors may arise addressed to escape or avoid the source of anxiety and often adverse, still more extreme anxiety disorders.

However, anxiety is a common emotion together with fear, anger, sadness and happiness, and has a very important role in survival.

Online occupies a number of sites that inform treatment and different measures to cope with the disorder anxiety with a simple mouse click.These measures are guided by the adoption of the médicos.puede have natural remedies or home remedies can be properly applied as a treatment for anxiety disorder.

Apart from that hypnosis is a therapy is a therapy that works by modifying their thoughts, i.e. how your mind understands the circumstances and helps in the adaptation of this new knowledge and convert their anxiety to calm the mind.

Medications can also be used as a cure for a disorder of ansiedad.Se tries to chemical reactions in the brain.You suggested that carefully read the information in the bottle and do not use without doctor's prescription.

A lively atmosphere and some regular exercises can also help to overcome in this stage of the depression. the anxiety is a common problem and does not address any edad.Todo group the world has a certain level of ansiedad.Algunas people easily handled while some people no.A times is not easy to manage anxiety and people need help to manage it.

In order to effectively manage this disorder one should decide that they measure for requesting and regularly work on it, to keep your body and mind healthy for siempre.Buscar sites carefully on the internet and all the detailed information about anxiety cures carefully.

Jack Anderson has an experience of more than 5 years of writing various types of articles. wrote a number of health related articles for various sites including [] this site gives full information about several anxiety cures [] and how you can use them to get rid of this disease.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Depression, anxiety, stress and techniques use the them

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Each and every one of us, face both minor and major challenges in our lives. Some of us even face numerous challenges on a daily basis. We have two choices in how to deal with our challenges and situations that occur in our lives. 1. We can choose to deal with the situation in ways that allows us to see the challenge as an opportunity to grow and develop; one which helps us to become victorious and to move forward to create and live the life we want and to strive to be happy. 2. Or we can choose to allow our life events to defeat us where we may struggle to survive and live on a daily basis and where we repeatedly put up with our issues and the life we are living.

When we choose the latter option, we become so consumed with the situation that has occurred, whether it has happened due to our own doing, someone else's doing or through something that is beyond our control. We focus on the problem rather than finding a solution to the issue. We develop the habit of assigning negative meanings and outcomes to our situation and we create negative thoughts and words in our mind that cause us to feel un-resourceful, stressed, worried, anxious and even depressed.

The way we think about our life and the particular words we say to ourselves, then affects how we feel. Continually thinking of negative outcomes and using words that don't support or help us to better deal with our situation, act as a fuel resource to maintain the current level of stress, depression and anxiety experienced. Our level of suffering deepens. By repeatedly associating with these unproductive representations in our mind, we become habitual in the sense that we allow our mind to over and over portray images of what may happen, what we don't want or we repeatedly keep thinking of the situation that has occurred. We try to analyse why it has happened and begin the blame process. The more we permit our mind to connect with these images we start to become depressed, stressed and anxious because we portray these representations in our mind as large, blown up in size and of close distance which then intensifies, to a large degree, our feelings and emotions of worry, sadness, loneliness, frustration, fear etc. Our body and mind is then overcome with these feelings and emotions and the longer they linger on and the more we wallow in them, the greater our level of depression, anxiety and stress becomes and the more we blame our life's circumstances for our depression, anxiety and stress. We allow our emotions to rule us and thus they become our worst enemy. We are using the intelligence at our command to work ourselves into un-resourceful emotional states.

When a situation occurs, we can hold onto it, let it build up into resentment and allow hate and anger to destroy our emotional and physical health. If our level of depression, stress and anxiety is evident for a longer than normal period of time and they are not managed effectively, they can seriously jeopardize and negatively affect our health - physically, mentally and emotionally. We are at a high risk of developing disease and illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, obesity, mental illness etc.

We leave ourselves at the mercy of outside events of which we may not have control, failing to take charge of our emotions over which we have all the control and relying instead on short term quick fixes such as medication, drugs, alcohol and overeating to then make us feel better and to escape the pain and frustration of our situation. We also believe and convince ourselves that our circumstance is beyond our control and we can't do anything to change it, when in fact, we can do many things to change any part of ourselves or our life.

You can change your depressive, anxious, stressful state immediately by focusing upon a solution. Our goal is to not ignore the problems of life, but to put ourselves in better mental and emotional states where we can not only come up with solutions but to act upon them. If you focus on what you can't control you will be disempowered. By changing focus you take control of your life by avoiding the problem state and immediately focusing on solutions. These new thinking patterns may make you so strong that what you once thought was a problem may disappear as you assume a new identity of an unstoppable and joyous human being. Stop evaluating and start doing. The same pattern of thinking that has gotten us to where we are will not get us to where we want to go. We need to take conscious control of our thoughts. The key is to change your state. To put yourself in a state that will allow you to get things done.

Most people who are experiencing depression have had many happy experiences in their lives. They don't represent these experiences to themselves in a bright, large associated way. They may represent happy times with images that are distant and far away in their mind. Some people take their happy experiences of the moment and push them far away so they seem like long ago and store their problems up close and large in their mind. People who feel depressed often have their brains filled to capacity with big, loud, close, heavy insistent images of the bad times and only thin grey wafers for the good times. The way to change isn't to wallow in the bad memories. It's to change the sub-modalities - the very structure of the memories themselves. Link what used to make you feel bad to new representations that make you feel like taking the challenges of life with vigor, humor, patience and strength.

It is so important to manage your emotions and to use them to help you begin the journey of overcoming depression, stress or anxiety. You can use your emotions as a guidepost for change and allow them to become your friend. The emotions that you are experiencing are trying to tell you that you must do something about the situation and work out in what ways you can make yourself feel better and happier. Use your emotions as a teacher and not an enemy and use it as an excuse to look at why you are affected in such a way. You can choose to hate or you can choose to heal. Ask yourself these three questions - "How can I use these emotions to help me progress in my life?", "What do I need to do right now to make things better?"and "Is my depression giving me the message that I need to take action and what do I really want to feel?".

To be able to change our situation we first need to accept that where we are now is our own sole responsibility. This is something that can take a long time to realize and actually do as many people believe that life's circumstances have caused their anxiety, depression and stress. We can easily and always blame events that happen in our life or people we have encountered as being the reason and cause for our plight. When we accept that we are responsible for what has happened to us and for where we are at in our life right now, we also accept that we have the power and self belief of being able to get us out of the situation and to free ourselves from a life of constant stress, depression and anxiety. In being able to accept that where you're at right now is your sole responsibility is so important in trying to beat anxiety, depression and stress. Initially, accepting it can seem overwhelming but it can be life changing and it will begin your journey of relief and change and allow you to take control of yourself and your life.

The next most important thing you can do is to say to yourself on a daily ongoing basis "I solely accept everything that has happened to me and for my life to be the way it is and regardless of what others have said or done or haven't done, I am fully responsible for where I am now and I will get myself out of it". In saying this to yourself every day, repeatedly, you will be empowered and begin to take control of the situation and you will remove the power force that external events and other people have over you and you will begin to believe what is possible. In being able to accept what has happened to you is not about blaming yourself for your problems. It is accepting responsibility and finding the power, courage and strength within yourself to change your life for the better. We all have a choice in life and the choices we make will ultimately determine the kind of life we will live and the kind of person we will become.

Decide today to make a firm decision to remove stress, depression and anxiety from your life. Say to yourself every day, repeatedly: "I will conquer stress/depression/anxiety. I will no longer accept these things. I will take the necessary action to beat them. I want them out of my life and I deserve to be free of them. For it is my life and I have every right to lead and follow a happy and good life ". In saying this to yourself repeatedly every day, you will control these problems, they won't control you. This is just one of the numerous actions you can take that will provide you with the skills and inner power to effectively diminish the torment that stress, depression and anxiety inflict upon you. When you take control, create that inner strength and follow through with the actions every day, the quality of your life and health will improve dramatically. In taking this step, you acknowledge that stress, depression and anxiety aren't problems that you have to live with and just accept as being a part of life. Instead, you have the power to overcome them. You also develop the realization that you deserve to live a happy and enjoyable life and that stress, depression and anxiety will not take that away from you. Indeed, you have a right to be happy and have the choice to no longer allow anything or anyone to take that away from you. You have the innate ability to be able to create the life that you want and to become the real person that you want to be.

There is a secret that is known throughout the world and which has been for years where the process used has helped millions of people around the world to change themselves or their lives for the better. The secret is "If you change your thoughts you will change your life".

The mind and how you use it can either destroy your life or empower you to act and take control and attract in your life the things you truly want. If you think negative thoughts and focus in your mind on the things you don't want or don't want to have happen in your life, your life will carry on in the same way and you will attract unwanted things. However, if you change your thoughts, you will change your life and you will emerge from a stressful, depressive, anxious state to one of a brighter and happier future.

Sue Shoesmith

I am currently studying for a Certificate IV in Life Coaching and Small Business Management. I have an interest in wanting to be able to help individuals to be able to better deal with their challenges of life and the situations that arise and for them to be able to learn how to take control of their life and themselves so that they can be happy and healthy and to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fibromyalgia Blues - Depression, Anxiety & Stress

How can have chronic pain and fatigue, and not to be depressed? All people - healthy or not - struggle every day with the stress of raising a family, their jobs, financial problems, family illness and Yes, death and taxes. You have to get kids to school on time, pay the Bills, go to work (if you can work), clean the House, feed the animals, the turf water, collect children, take them to football, piano, lessons make dinner, do the children their tasks (good luck) and has to do all this and more with debilitating pain, fatigue, migraines, SCI, TMJ, syndrome, restless legs, etc. Just thinking about it is depressing!

Fibromyalgia patients are often diagnosed with depression, and anxiety disorders which implies that it is "in your head", but research has consistently shown Fibromyalgia is not a form of depression or hipocondriasis.Ansiedad and CO-EXIST with FM depression and treatment is important because it can get worse both FM interfere with symptom management.

My own experience, I can tell you how easy it is to let it get the best of you. There were days when I just in bed in my dark room called "the cave" and I isolated from my family and friends.Avoid leaving the House unless absolutely only had that and when I did, everything could think was receiving home and crawl in the depressed cama.Más I got, the pain I had. The pain I have, more depressed I got!

I had anxiety attacks and the stress of a bad financial situation was more than it could handle - or so I thought.What there were times when I was wondering how in the world to perform through the next day - how much I already deal with this? I felt hopeless, helpless and void. My self-esteem was horrible and my level of confidence was non-existent. I was ashamed.

Has never felt that way? I hope not, but if you have, there is a way out of the pit of depression and anxiety! You can become a productive member of your family and society as a whole. It is not easy, but what options do you have? You know you don't want to live like this forever.

I always hated the idea of therapy! Firstly, the effort it would take for me to leave the House was a big factor. Secondly, I didn't want to tell all my sad story a stranger and wasn't even sure believed when he came to the part of fibromyalgia. There are still some mental health which seems rather than physiological psychological FM professionals. I did not hear it.

About a year ago, my child need therapy for depression and ira.Lo problems took several professionals and one suggested (in front of my child) that could cure my Fibromyalgia was more emotional and psychological stress that a physical problem. The next day we went to another therapist. I do not trust him to help my son, if he was going to say to me.Finally we found one that conform to our family since all participating in my hijo.No therapy take me or therapist long to discover that he needed help, too.Saw right through from me!

Therapy has changed my life in many ways and with a professional understanding to guide me, I have once again taken control that had renounced the fibromyalgia. Helped me see I value my positive traits and taught me to confront my pain, stress, anxiety and depression.Also speaking with a party objective is a form of healing emotional scars and was a relief only set it all there! It also recommended a depressive new my doctor who has helped me a lot.

Perception is todo.Percibe some form of myself and became in exactly.

My father was recently diagnosed with small - cell lung cancer has never been fumado.Es how more rare cancer lung that is incurable and quick action.I was devastated when I heard the news!My father is my hero, and my rock - life without him is something I still do not understand.I actually lost for a while, but with advice, I am finding my own way to tackle a.Estoy still have bad days, but I'm trying to work through them in a manner more saludable.La woman who two years ago I would have returned to his cave and never leave.

There are many medications, supplements and herbs to help talk to your doctor about could work them for you and always check interactions and side effects!I have a lot of information about alternatives to prescription drugs, therapies, and other resources on my website that could be helpful.

Don't be afraid to take that first step and find a good professional mental health! really vale.Ahora am "Fibromyte" operation and however, I still have pain and other issues, I can get through a day at the vez.Si I can do it, you can too!

More articles on this subject to come!

Erica Thompson is a 40-year-old boy, with three children and a husband in the ejército.Ella Stay-at-Home mom was diagnosed with FMS in 1995, but suffered many years prior to their diagnosis and later, pain syndrome diagnosed miofascial.Que has carried out a thorough investigation and is an expert based on his experience, his mother and his objective abuela.Su is to educate as many people as she can for FMS and everything that is happening with co-written her most, she only wants to improve the lives of the FMS - even a little sick.


The relationship of anxiety and depression

Many people who suffer severe bouts of depression probably suffer a major depressive order. The normal experiences associated with the disorder feels extremely low levels of energy reduction, pessimism, difficulty sleeping and concentrate on the daily work and activities. Even simple things can easily spark irritation and anger. The thing is: what people experience when they are depressed is also caused by anxiety.

It is not uncommon that depressed people that anxiety; disorders Similarly, people who suffer from anxiety may also be depressed. From a simple perspective, an important component of anxiety is feeling the need to control things, the necessity of protecting itself same.This is because anxiety renders people get trapped in a constant state of fear and alleged desconfianza.Por, anyone who feels that they lose a substantial amount of control in their lives tends to feel depressed.

While anxiety and depression are two different things, many people are the confundirlas.Para remedy this confusion, what people need to know is that these different conditions often considered the State of mood disorder twins.

The link between anxiety and depression

There are a limited number of tests that show the causal relationship between the dos.Uno popular theories claim that anxiety and depression are both largely caused by lack healthy amounts of the substance being well called serotonin. In a more practical sense, it is also easy to see how anxiety can cause depression and vice versa - the quality of life of people affected by the anxiety is weakened due to constant apprehension. This irrational fear leads to restrict their activities and even their relationships.Naturally, who is difficult to lead a normal life feels depressed, mainly because their sources of happiness also be limited.

However, it is important to look at facts established: bodies of evidence show that people who suffer from a disorder are prone to other, at the same time.A specific study shows that 85 percent of those who suffer from a major depressive disorder also have generalized anxiety disorder.Additionally, 35 percent of these depressive people experience panic attacks and may possibly have developed pánico.En regards anxiety, research shows that 53 percent of people who suffer from anxiety disorder also develop serious disorder and repeated episodes of depression.

In these cases the anxiety and depression occur simultaneously, that the person suffering is more serious than when merely experimenting a disorder.When in full force and effect, the two disorders can be fatal.Statistics show that there is a higher rate of suicide to depressive are also diagnosed with those who are diagnosed with depression itself sola.estos scenarios are compounded by the fact that depression and anxiety often go hand severe anxiety disorder.

The heartbreaking have a great depression accompanied by anxiety effects are real and commonly experimentado.Si you're one of those people simultaneously suffering from anxiety and depression, must know should not limit yourself to the treatment of depression. in spite of being difficult for many people, the fight against anxiety is not a cause perdida.Si attempted to treat the disorder of drugs which produce results soon, still find natural ways to treat the ansiedad.Recurrir these methods employing powerful techniques to relieve anxiety in a short period of time.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Anxiety, depression and anxiety disorders

The wrath of others and our own repressed anger can play a role in many disorders, anxiety and depression.

We need anger to survive. It is the precursor to aggression;all of us may have to fight to protect our loved ones or ourselves some time in our vidas.Como anxiety is an Energizer, prepares us to action.

Anger can mask the anxiety, for example, the first reaction of a mother who has lost a child, in search of children, is often scold him or her, the fear of what might have happened masks getting angry with them. Similarly anxiety can mask anger.

It is natural that angry conflict, wanting to take some action and do something about.As children, often see our parents get angry in deal with various situations and where Act angrily to us that we want to complain, go angry and put an end to the conflicto.Pero this is not possible; We can not fight against a more powerful adult and anger towards someone you love is not acceptable because we love and need, so we suppress our anger.And suppressed anger, often from childhood that could be so important to the anxiety we experience in later life.

Situations "Angry" also make us fear, anger is associated with being afraid so delete us it even more. From toddlers to teenagers, serious parent-child conflicts often ends in tears (for child) as repressed anger comes in the form of crying.

In the homes of family conflicts or over-strictness, some parents are furious virtually all the time. How many people with anxiety-related problems have had a childhood dominated by angry man or woman?

Angry people angry all the time.Know how being angry so very well, given the right situation (and it is not surprising that what often occurs only situation appropriate for them?).His voice, posture, and what they say, show your anger impeccably.

Angry usually people wants to tell others what to do and then criticized them for its shortcomings;clearly, their lack of inner peace: anger shows in their faces and as a whole, relatives and friends of tread carefully that they are not bothered.

The wrath of our parents, we have to realize that while you can often be addressed to us, are really angry with themselves and their lives.With our own repressed anger, shows several things, such as: temper tantrums, petulance, disgruntled, boredom and verbal abuse as children; sarcasm, gossip, violent behavior and disease as adults.

Repressed anger runs of many, if not all, anxiety and problems with depression. people with this disorder often express high levels of aggression towards the family or significant others, the release of emotions bottled up in PTSD often results in anger and depression, we believe that even get angry is done, angry desesperada.De is a good defense against depression; angry people are not depressed that always are taking action to some extent.

It is not wrath, per, that is the problem; when it is not expressed or disputes eso.En (family) where anger is not expressed or not resolved through conciliation, not comprising with apologies, hugs, acceptance and commitment - anger festers inside of us.

By Terry Dixon, founder and author of evolution SELF confidence: How to become free from anxiety and depression disorders read more about curing anxiety disorders and depression.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beat depression anxiety with methods help

It is easy to tell someone, "Oh!" "Is nothing than anxious"; but it is equally difficult to overcome and overcome anxiety when they really suffer. A certain amount of anxiety is natural to human behavior. However, the problem starts when the anxiety and stress becomes persistent, and takes the form of anxiety disorder.

Depression, low self-esteem and attacks of panic are some relocation of persistent anxiety, followed by an attempt to fiery to counteract the consequential effects including fatigue, lack of concentration, capacity of affirmation of poor, bad temper or sudden outburst of anger.

If you are constantly experiencing anxiety over a long period of time, can obviously fall prey to which also leads to problems later as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, etc. you will obviously affect the race, lifestyle and the relaciones.Por therefore, it is very important to take appropriate measures to Beat depression anxiety at the start of the depression.

How to Beat depression anxiety

Once diagnosed with anxiety disorder, is very important in order to assess the causes of anxiety. Persistent anxiety can cause irreparable damage to the body and mind, that affect your lifestyle and create even cracks in relations. All these factors not only lead to acute stress but also push it into depression, before treatment and recovery becomes a complex process.

One of the most common treatments, adapted by doctors to Beat depression anxiety is to prescribe antidepressants. Antidepressants are known to soothe her nerves and defeated anxiety by providing instant relaxation. However, cannot be the answer to their anxiety problems rooted. Antidepressants provide short-term relief and may not be an option for long-term treatment. In addition, prolonged use of antidepressants may cause side effects, as well.

It may sound hilarious in the first instance, but it is a fact that food can also have an important role in overcoming anxiety. Do you know the connection between 'candy' and 'depression'? Well, as fun as it may sound; but it is true that sugar processed as candy and soda pop keeps you optimistic with a sugar rush and as soon as the effect of sugar is on you can find his immersion in mood suddenly.It is therefore very important to maintain a balanced diet and admission healthy food to Beat anxiety depression.

Challenge the myths and the anguish beat

There is a general that stimulants perception drinks, sugar or toxic substances such as drugs and alcohol can relieve your anxiety and stress.However, it is a complete myth.Stimulants, drugs and alcohol are strict docked if you suffer from anxiety disorder.If you believe that consumption of these can energize help Beat depression anxiety; you must understand that you will have to face at levels much lower in energy, once the effect of stimulants and drug wear.

Not only that, excessive stimulants ingest caffeine can even cause side effects such as insomnio.Aparte that drug and alcohol in an attempt to overcome the anxiety can lead to serious physical and mental disorder.

Adaptation of methods of version of anxiety to Beat anxiety

You should have sought ways to beat anxiety disorder; however, the solution to overcome anxiety disorder is obtain on their inherent, through the creation of a State of calm fears lanzado.Se can practice create and promote a State of calm to Beat depression anxiety by methods of liberation of proven anxiety where you will learn to come face-to-face with their deepest fears and débiles.Le teaches to desensitize the body and mind by allowing his calm to be buffer in the process of adding fear fear.

Charlotte Wilson is an investigator relationship dedicated related pánico.Si attacks and anxiety issues you're deadly serious and what they learn to overcome anxiety depression, then visit the website authors effective help to free methods of anxiety.

Teenage Depression?

Most that everyone recognizes that anger is a normal part of being a teenager, if parents like to accept it or not. Adolescents are at a point in your life when you are going through many changes in the mind and body. They are in the transition from child to adult, meaning hormonal imbalances and changes that may cause a change in the mood for a teenager. It is also a time of life when they begin to assert its independence, which can cause some friction with the parents, but this is also seen as a normal part of the stage.

With all these changes in an individual goes through his teenage years, can be difficult for parents to recognize if their teen is only moody or if you are suffering from depression. Indicating the difference can be difficult, especially if the parents have not taken the time to find out what are the signs of depression and in order to establish the difference between habitual anger and depression. Possible, in part, due to the fact that many parents do not believe, nor that cross your mind that your teen may be prone to depression.What parents have to realize is that every adolescent passes through their stress and with these tensions, some can fall into a depression. signs of depression in adolescents can be recognized by increase in irritability, loss of interest in usual activities, anger, frustration, sadness, restlessness, lack of enthusiasm, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

One or more of these signs can easily indicate that adolescents may be suffering from depression. See one or two of these signs may not necessarily mean that the teenager is depressed, but if a parent suspects that depression could be possible should talk to your son or daughter about it.Sometimes, not hurt to have the child to speak with a counselor in línea.Incluso if they are not depressed, which could help to talk to someone about some tensions that feel school, home and work, if you work after school. If you are depressed, then getting teenagers to speak with a counselor before that more later helps the person immensely rather than any real damage is caused by his depression developing.

Online counseling is available to anyone who is looking for suggestions, advice or just someone to talk with.Part of the reason by what teenagers can hardly to consult a counselor is the fear that others find and call them loco.Terapia online offers the ability to communicate with a therapist online without the worry that other people at school you find out what they are doing a teenager.It can also feel more comfortable with communication with an Adviser online because they feel that it is secure and confidential way to get the help they need for their depression. counseling online also is extremely convenient and does not require a parent take your child to Advisor Office.

Jennifer Baxt owns which offers a variety of counseling online if you want to know more about Jennifer or any of our therapists online, visit our website.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Unlock the door to the prison staff

Depression, anxiety, helplessness, hopelessness, anger, frustration, dependency, rejection, solitude and more. Everyone feels one or more of these feelings at a time or the other.

Not be may wish them away. These feelings can make you feel as if you're in a prison or hell, and the door locked tight. You even can not think of an exit.There are no Windows and the door has been closed therefore time, don't even know if there is a key to ya.Si exists, make sure that you don't remember where is.

It is important to realize that the door to your personal prison blocks and unlocked from the inside.You walked in full, and you can walk right outside anytime that desee.nadie put him there but thou. sure that circumstances has occurred, but how you think that those circumstances affect that it will determine whether or not to cross the threshold of the door in the dark.

In addition, there are three components to walk or through the door of the prison.

1. Freedom
2. Election
3. Responsibility

We are free to choose to start looking for a way out.
We are free to choose stop looking output.
We are free to choose to try to do different things.
We are free to choose to give up and accept what we perceive as our "lot" in life.

Whatever our choice is our choice.We must be responsible for that choice.

It could not have been her choice who died of their loved one.
It could not have been their choice who has lost his job, home and car.
Could it not their choice... fill in the blank space.

But it is your choice how you respond to that situation. and my friend, is what you're responsable.Por therefore has the key to go and has the key to salir.En anytime you want.

This does not solve the problem completely, but it is the first giant step to advance towards the sensation of something diferente.Es a great relief to know that life is simply not happening usted.Que can regain their control and make your life that you want to sea.Mantenga keys at all times.

You can't control all circumstances in life, but controle.Controlar how reacts and how to respond.

Lock yourself in prison or in a personal hell is purely a personal.Usted decision can walk on by mistake, but if you don't like how you feel, open the door and get out fast!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stress, depression and anxiety

Around the world who have gone through some kind of stress, depression and anxiety in their lives. Day to day problems can affect health both physically and mentally. Stress is a situation of emotional tension that may have occurred when you have to handle many challenges such as overwork, emotional pressures or physiological problems in their lives. If a person is suffering from continuous bleak or despaired State, he or she may be suffering from depression. Anxiety is a State of fear, nervousness and restlessness which may be accompanied by depressed.

Stress, depression and anxiety can affect you if brain chemicals and neurotransmitters are an unbalanced state. But it is often seen that people not attaches great importance to these diseases and tries to cope alone. Some of the factors such as genetic inheritance, physical illness and environmental factors found to be contributing to the loss of essential as neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain chemicals. Use of certain medications; sleeping pills, alcohol, nicotine etc. and diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, low thyroid activity Alzheimer etc. was also determined that the cause of depression and anxiety.Most of these problems arise with traumatic events in life such as the death of someone very close, divorce, serious illness, etc.It is also found that women are more likely to have problems of stress and depression than men due to hormonal changes that are happening in your body.

Unrelenting stress can bring many destructive biological changes in your body. It can lead to depression and can suppress the immune system.Attack heart and cancer risk is also high for these people. A person suffering from stress often has beat, breathing fast fast heart, hand tremor, sweating especially in las Palmas, sore backs, stiffness in the neck or shoulders tight, an upset stomach with nausea or diarrhea, vision blurred, dry mouth etc..A person who suffers from depression often have interest in the activities of the day to day, fatigue, loss of profit, insomnia, or weight loss problems thought, loss of sexual interest, pessimistic thoughts and low self-esteem together with stress-related problems. If a person gets anxious without visible cause, may be the symptom of anxiety disorder disorder.Anxiety may be showing symptoms such as shortness of breath, defeated fast heart, rigidity to the chest, joint pain, stomach problems, sweating, dry mouth, etc.

Taking enough changes in your lifestyle is the main step to control stress, depression, and anxiety problems. First, keep an optimistic attitude in his life. Regular exercises are good for relieving stress and depression. A diet nourishing of balanced well is also required. Always let your feelings cry, laugh, showing anger or talk with someone who is very close to you. Also found in writing about the problems to be giving during stress.Do hobbies that make more agradable.Descanso and sleep well. Doesn't bother much about the future and concentrate on the present. It may deal with meditation, breathing exercises etc. and try to avoid completely of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

A lot of medications and treatments available to treat stress, depression and anxiety.As lexapro, SSRI antidepressant paxil, and Zoloft commonly used today in día.Pero are accompanied with lots of side effects.Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy that can help you change your way of thinking is also a form of treatment.It would be good if you go for natural treatment with ingredients that are developed from extract of hierbas.Una combination of nutrients as Salm, phosphatidyl Hill, 5-HTP, huperzine A, vinpocentine, etc. Omega-3 fish oil are having an important role in the prevention and treatment of stress, depression and anxiety without side effects.

Forums of public health offers natural treatment and herbs for stress and depression. options we have views on various products for stress relief as well as stress alivio.encontrar methods more information on other health problems as colon cleansing, etc. from our website for pain relief.

The relationship between anxiety and depression

Anxiety disorders and depression are not the same thing. However, very similar in the way you can try each State. Anxiety disorders produces fear, panic, anxiety and concern when some people are put in normal situations. These situations, along with panic or fear, can be intense enough to trigger panic attacks. Often live in a constant stay alert for the events that make to worry or anxious.

Depression produces feelings of hopelessness, anger, self pity and desperation. these feelings can easily overwhelming to the point that the daily activities such as maintaining friendships or becomes even working on too much of a burden.

There is a direct correlation between anxiety and depression disorders also have been not identify the reason of why to studies. Found that 85% of people suffering from depression was also suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Both derive from a chemical imbalance and a problem of root of harboring negative thoughts to share.People suffering from depression and anxiety disorder are very probable that in a State far more severe depression and anxiety and can be very harmful for the body and the spirit.

However, there are treatments that help reduce anxiety and depression everyday products.A strong fight against these two problems with drugs, with the risk of dependence and tolerancia.Pero but more importantly, techniques of therapy, exercise and relaxation along with a healthy diet is the best way to combat depression and anxiety.

Panic attacks have a physical side to that exercise can help fix through the strengthening of the lungs and inducing to breathe better.Therapy cognitive-behavioural tries to avoid the mental aspect of internal thoughts and faulty thinking.On the other hand, a diet of less caffeine, sugar and nicotine can help prevent anxiety and panic attacks.

People fight anxiety and depression everyday.It can be a constant battle for some and a hard drive for some as well.Treatment immediately, be it exercise, proper diet, therapy or medication, injection is essential in order to live a life normal.Pero for serious cases, it is important to recognize your needs and you can visit the National Institute of mental health for details profundidad.Pero always remember, you can win the fight against anxiety and depression, and is not alone.

I have spent all of high school and University in fear of stand up and speak ahead of my teammates. its a simple task, but one that triggered mild attacks pánico.Hay hope for people like me, and I found how to overcome my anxiety disorder .Visite for information on how I have been able to overcome my fears and anxieties.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cure natural depression by feelings of efficient processing

Deny feelings can create stagnation emotionally and lead to depression States.
Use this helpful checklist to evaluate if you are processing experiences in a way to avoid stagnation and depression.

Checklist for processing of healthy

Are recognizing both the positive aspects of the challenge, as well as the difficult portions?

Tip: Listen to the language of negation and depression that may include phrases such as "all is well" or "all is well" when you feel not good or fine.

Ask yourself, what are all the feelings that I am experiencing this situation change, the person or life?Develop a variety of tools for processing their feelings, such as:

Journal of feelings.Using collage art to represent the sentimientos.Este method does not require any talent for art, only a desire to express.

Exercise as qi gong, which has entries in that direction release certain emotions such as depression, sadness, pain, or anger. Visualize and meditate feelings: imagine anxiety or depression feels as a leaf floating down a river or stream and drift far outside view. A study published in the May 2008 of the journal of clinical psychology issue reported that people who suffered with depression and participated in meditation and yoga classes experienced similar results as those who have participated in group therapy.

Allow yourself time for procesar.A times people fill their days with the hectic activity to avoid feelings of processing or with depression.Schedule downtime is a way to nourish your body, mind and spirit to the version of anxiety or depression.Allow friends and family often asistirle.A for loved ones who have no idea that are experiencing difficulties if you put on a happy face.Yes, be positive, but also be prepared to recognize that it is suffering or find a challenging.Allow situation, you yourself find professionals help with a psychotherapist, counselor or life coach for new tools to cope with the challenges in your life.

Please contact Kay Hutchinson, CAMQ CAMT today for a consultation on how to use qi gong meditation techniques to reduce depression.

Kay Hutchinson is an energetic practitioner of Chinese medicine, life coach and teacher of qi gong movimiento.Ella is the founder of Aiki healing, a private practice in Austin, Texas, and editor of "health prosperity" a publication dedicated to train people to demonstrate optimum health and well-being.

Join prosperity list free health email today to receive these useful strategies in your e-mail box.

School anxiety - Don't Let You Squeeze Out pressure

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Anxiety comes in many forms, especially in the school system. It lurks around as social phobias, it is ready to pounce in the form of test anxiety, it ambushes us in our fear that we won't like we should perform. In this day and age, anxiety has become a harbinger of negativity to our kids, from the beginning days of elementary school all the way up to high school and beyond. Students who are charming, intelligent, funny, and totally competent somehow believe that they are ugly, boring, stupid, and incapable.Why?

Why would to student who obviously has the ability to do well NOT do well? We can't eliminate intellectual ability with most of the students I work with. I find that the students who struggle most with anxiety are kids whose IQ's are above-average and even up to genius level. If it's not intellectual functioning, what is it?More often than not, turns out to be a combination of the inability to identify and express accurate characters combined with feeling the pressure to "live up to one's potential" lifelong anxiety.Of course, there is also to genetic tie to a predisposition towards anxiety as well.

However, the following are some common external factors I see as I treat students with anxiety of many kinds:

1. Unrealistic Parental Expectations: Now.... parents BELIEVE their expectations are appropriate. They know how smart their child is and expect them to use that intelligence to the utmost. However, what many parents don't take into account is that living up to expectations also has to do with emotional maturity. Just because your child is very smart, doesn't automatically mean it will be easy for them to be disciplined large cap value, organized, and motivated to excel.Without these other factors, intelligent kids just become frustrated and begin to panic in any situation where they know they must perform or be verbally scourged for not performing. Many of us as parents push our kids way harder than we should. Kids mature and develop at different rates.Pushing them too hard, too fast, is counterproductive to them actually reaching their potential.

2. To Tendency to Compare Themselves to Those Around Them: These comparisons might be academically, socially, or in any other ways. Kids compare the way they dress, how funny they are, how athletic they are and how well they do in large.Healthy competition is one thing but this trait can go way overboard and become an obsession and obsessions lead to anxiety.

3. Thinking Too Much About Things One Cannot Control: Kids worry so much about the future or about what might be on the FCAT or what might happen if they don't do well on the FCAT.Their minds begin to race about all the "what if's" of life and THIS is a huge factor in anxiety. Again, parents often fuel this by their own worries about the future of their children. Yes.... it is good to have goals and pursue them but the idea that life revolves around these things can only lead to anxiety, frustration and anger.

4. A Build-up of Emotional Pressure: so many kids fail to develop their awareness of internal characters, especially vulnerable characters like fear, sadness, disappointment, etc. These kids tend to bury or suppress these characters and the result is a volcanic-like gradual rise in pressure. These buried characters/feelings often manifest themselves as anxiety, depression and anger.

These are a few of the causes I have seen in anxiety. The list is not exhaustive by any means but it's a start. Let me also offer a list of suggestions as to how parents can help their children cope with and overcome anxiety:

TO LAY OFF! Okay, that was a bit harsh. But, truly, parents... more and more... parents have pushed their children to excel and "perform" at younger ages than ever before. It's sad when I have 1st and 2nd graders with high levels of anxiety. The trend to start pushing our children academically even at the ages of 3-4 years just astounds me. Of course, I am all for parents who work with their children at young ages to learn and grow.But that's different than "pushing" them harder and harder and shaming them if they don't reach those standards. Parents, let's all strive to be not only age-appropriate in our expectations but also take into account the maturity levels and emotional development of our kids.There are early and late bloomers, and that's okay.

B. Teach them to relax: Again, we live in a society that encourages "busyness". It's great to be productive but we must learn to relax again.... let our bodies recharge so we can actually be more productive in the long-term.This trend translates to our children as well. We must teach our kids to be quiet and still without filling that time with video games or work or "productivity". It's okay to just sit still or read a book or be quiet and watch the sunset. In fact, teaching kids certain relaxation and breathing techniques can go far in helping them to deal with test anxiety or even in sports performance anxiety.

C. Be Quick to Encourage: Try to catch your kids when they do well... at ANYTHING. Whether it be a good grade, to chore they completed well, or just a good attitude, try to lift them up so they realises you are noticing these things as well.

D. Increase Self-Awareness: Remember those buried characters I mentioned earlier? We must free our kids to discuss negative characters that may be eating at them from a very early age. Teach them how to identify and express them in healthy ways (talking, writing, art, etc). If kids can "get it out" then there is less pressure that builds and, consequently, less anxiety.

E Encourage Positive Self - Talk: If you or your kids beat yourselves up often about failures or mistakes, stop it! We talk to ourselves all the time, whether it is verbal or in our own mind.Learn to encourage yourself as much or more than you get onto your own case. I'm not advocating touchy-feely moments when you look in the mirror and say, "people LIKE me" as the "Saturday Night Live" skit used to mock.However, I am saying that most people beat themselves up far more than they encourage themselves and this can only lead to frustration, depression, and anxiety.

We all face pressure in life.Seriously... there is pressure to perform in school, at work, in relationships, and beyond.Life exerts pressure on us enough.Let's try to stop adding even more pressure to our kids and ourselves to.Set high standards for your kids but also encourage them at high levels.Be patient with their development and be realistic about how hard you should push.There are too many ultra-talented kids who are letting pressure squeeze them out of the good things of life.

About the Author: Aaron Welch is for Licensed Mental Health Counselor who has devoted his life to reaching out and helping people to grow and mature through difficult life situations.Whether it has been through clinical counseling, pastoral ministry, youth camps and conventions, public speaking, leadership training, educational instruction, athletic coaching or small group ministry, Aaron has more than twenty years of experience in assisting people through life struggles and personal growth.His genuine love for people and his outgoing personality combine to create to safe and caring environment for people to put the pieces of life back together.

To find out more about Aaron and the services I can offer, please visit or can also call 407-647-7005 for an appointment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Problems of ageing - anxiety, anger, and apathy

Three of the big time injuries often inflicted car, especially between aging, are anxiety, anger, and apathy. No doubt there are contrasts in these States of mind, but also clearly are loaded with such ammunition excessively negative than murderers.

Each of these emotions work negatively on the heart, body, soul and the espíritu.Iban beyond to alienate perfectly well meaning friends and the good of the block from those who are better equipped to offer consolation when need you it.

Anxiety is probably the most critically dangerous of the three, especially when / if you are safely housed and daily. Anxiety may or may not be detectable by others. Sometimes, the victim knows is when assuming and should be checked.Often have little or no response estratégica.La anxiety is like termites in a House. Feeds to you, within you, until you damage may be irreparable.

IRA is most glaring and less visible and dramatic sutiles.Es. It is fed by guilt and fear and vulnerability, and anxiety. In fact, anxiety enjoys anger, it allows the full blown expression of anxiety and anger to inform everyone in his path.

Physically, anger is also preocupante.Su influence on health of body and spirit can be frightfully detrimental. IRA is, for some, often difficult to control. Some people suffer from what is known as "intermittent rage disorder" which prompted chemically and may not be self disciplined. Therapy and medication are both useful to govern this behavior methods.

Finally, apathy, seems almost a cure for the two conditions above. However, apathy has the inverse of anxiety and anger effect.Apathy can be a severe depression that contributes to the loss of energy, interest and participation in everything beyond Yes mismo.Esa loss steals their vitality and singularity.Creates a feeling of not worth.It is uncomfortable to be in a State and that about someone goes through él.Huelga say that it affects the body and the spirit of goes it through él.Es a way of putting the walls between you and healthy interactions as anxiety and anger can.

These three States moods require passports that believes and seal when you choose to travel across borders.Use your perseverance to be alert when any of these behaviors are beginning to endanger his bienestar.Si drinks alcohol, resist to most of these behaviors are aggravated by the consumer.

Decide that these three A, fed by a fourth, alcohol, may introduce ageing fast and unhealthy.

Article provided by Dr. Jerry D. Elrod.El Dr. Elrod and his wife, Dr. Sharon Shaw Elrod manage daily Senior Citizen in information on retirement, Baby Boomers and everything related to seniors, please visit my blog at .Enlaces other Senior Citizen journal pages can be found on the blog.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Steps to kill depression

Sometimes there is a biological basis problem like infections or endocrine system diseases, hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, certain medications, exposure to toxic metals or chemical substances, an unbalanced diet. All this can lead to depression.

Teen years often are the source of emotional, does not have much experience in the management of ups and downs life stress. A person may feel that nobody cares for him and can depress painfully on relatively depressed issues.Another major cause for depression is failed trial at the height of the task or alguien.Algunos idea other factors such as the divorce of parents, sudden death of close friend, or relative failure at the height of a particular task, lost work and feelings to be unwanted.

A person may be concerned with a specific event in the pasado.Normalmente, these events are temporary and melted off before you know. Still, if depression mode remained for a long time with feelings of anxiety, anger, and disability, this can lead to depression low-grade.

There are different degrees of depression. A person may have depressed anxiety attack, while the other person is having a reluctant depressed attacked. Some people find themselves in such situations, and instead of the head problem fighting, engage in unnecessary activities as lenient in drugs, unnecessary drink only lift the next day to know that depression has negative thoughts increased.Having it only adds more fuel.

Knowing that you're depressed is key.Things to do will kill her depression. searching for some good words of understanding someone can make a different set of his life.Leave the past behind you and participate in other things.Another bold step is to set some realistic goals with his car and accept that life has its altibajos.cada person is good at something, then poor in another.

PR. Raymond Fohjem is expert behind .it is a psychologist but a lecturer and humano.Él behavioral scientist has allowed many people giving you their potential account and how to complete the daily part of life, unwanted emotions and many more.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The fight against the physical effects of stress

It seems that almost everybody in our modern world is under stress, especially in this economy. Stress can be acute (the death of a member of the family, divorce, the main disease, loss of employment) or chronic (everyday). Even positive life events such as marriage or a baby can be stressful. Life events tend to be less harmful to your health long term chronic stress of everyday life – also much to do and too little time, an unhappy working situation or a difficult home life.

Excessive stress, not managed can affect your physical and psychological health.Unmanaged stress can exacerbate diseases like high blood pressure, depression, and reflux acid / ulcers. overload stress signals can be physical (fatigue, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, common disease) or mental and emotional (irritability, anxiety, addictive behavior).

If you are seeing any of these signs of stress overload, it is time to do something to the supposed respecto.Por, you need to do to improve things probably lifestyle changes are that has been descuidar.Si decides to make these changes to a higher priority that you have been, you should see a difference.


It is one of the most important to add to your life when you have things estrés.No overload you have to start a large exercise program slower, costoso.Caminar is cheap and you can decide how long to pasar.Incluso a short 10 minutes at work instead of taking a coffee break will make a difference.


"Dream that weaves the manga care, raveled"
The death of every day life, work, pain bathroom
Balm of hurt minds, the latter of course the great nature
"Main nourisher in the celebration of life."

Shakespeare could not have been a doctor, but it seems that he understands how beneficial dream could be, especially when under stress. make sure you are getting enough sleep and tries to be concerned by problems at the end of the day, or could maintain despierto.También, talk to your doctor about any medications you take that it may interfere with sleep.


Unhealthy habits have a negative impact on our health and exacerbate some of the problems caused by being under stress. do you perform one of these sound familiar?

Imbalances of sugar in the blood that may be caused by irregularly spaced meals, omitting the desayuno.estos imbalances can cause fatigue, problems to concentrate and side effects of humor swings.Caffeine - anxiety, dehydration, sleep disturbance and crashes.Choosing energy foods high in fat, salt and sugar. high levels of cortisol can make us to crave these food. When you are stressed out, crave celery sticks? probably not.A much time spent "on time" - you seem to capture every cold and viruses that wanders by.

How you can change:?

Consume a nutritionally balanced diet and not to skip comidas.A times we underestimate the impact that nutrition has on our health, but when you are going through a period of tension, is particularly important to eat well.You might be drinking more caffeine to get through the day, especially if you are not getting enough sleep. but caffeine affects the central nervous system and can have a negative impact on their sleep patterns try avoid caffeine, especially after the average later.If you're a heavy coffee drinker, gradually reproduced yourself out of it and begin to drink decaf or tea.Make green and white you eat a breakfast that includes protein, and carry some healthy with you, especially if you tend to snack when you are stressed out snacks.

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Depressed and unemployed: the six stages of your job search

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Deborah Gray lived with undiagnosed clinical depression, both major...

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Looking for a job can be discouraging, especially in this economy. If you're depressed, you get discouraged more easily than most people. Chances are that you're discouraged before you even start looking. I've been in this position a few times (including times I was depressed), so I want to give you a bit of a leg up on the competition with some job search coaching, including some tips that I got from a friend who's a Human Resources professional. Here are the six phases of a job search:

Deciding what you want and what you can live with: The very first step in your search will be to target both the jobs that would be perfect for you as well as those you would be willing to accept. By clearly defining these limits, you will make your search easier and take a lot of the anxiety out of deciding whether to apply for a specific job. This step also forces you to think about where you want to go with your career. If you've been a salesperson, do you want to be a manager and could you be good at it today? Or, would you be happier as a stock clerk with less customer contact? Remember that growing in your job can often be a way to increase your self-esteem and reduce your stress. Remember, reward is commensurate with risk and you should consider reaching a bit further if you can handle it.


Preparing Your Resumes: It is a good idea to have several resumes, each with a different focus on your skills. There is nothing dishonest about this, and it allows you to closely target your resume at specific jobs in different market sectors. If you were a secretary for the IT Manager in a large company and set up all of the staff training sessions, you might want to look for a job as the IT Training Manager at another company. Build on what you know, and then go back and take another look at the job you want. Would you be better off as the IT Training Manager or as the secretary to the Senior VP of Operations? Do you want your career to move in a straight line, or move in a slightly different direction? The 3-4 resumes you create will frame your future, and don't forget to create a separate cover letter for each resume. Also, if you are submitting a digital copy of your resume to an online service, don't miss the opportunity to add in a few of those obvious "key words" in the job posting.

People with depression tend to be pretty negative about their abilities, so have a friend read your resume before submitting it to make sure you're not downplaying your skills and experience.

Passive vs. Active Searching: Passive searching is responding to print and online ads. Active searching is reaching out to people you know, not to ask them for a job, but to let them know that you are looking and seek out their advice on where to look and what direction to move in. There is nothing that makes a person more uncomfortable than a friend asking for a job, however; that is the very reason that most people will put a lot of thought and insight into giving you good information if you are just asking for ideas. Passive searches will often require you to submit as many as 100 or more responses before you get a single inquiry. This type of searching takes a lot of time, but it is relatively easy. List the companies that you would be willing to work for and look at their websites for job postings. Visit a few of the few job search sites, but be careful. There are those who would be happy to take advantage of your employment needs for their own gain.

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Depression affect how toxic parents

Growing up with a father toxic is often the cause of depression. As children we have a need to link with our parents or carers, but this necessity makes us vulnerable to be children by persons that are damaged, and ourselves suffering in turn.

What are toxic parents?

Toxic parents are those whose negative behaviour inflicts emotional damage from their main "toxic" term hijos.El "could apply to a number of behaviors, including:"

The emotionally abusive father who tells his son that he has been nothing but a disappointment, or told her daughter that she fat and ugly.The control mother who criticizes every decision makes his son preference music choice of romantic couple or jobs, and everything in between.The quell the mother who does not see his son as an individual, only as an extension of its own.

What to do in your relationship with your parents toxic?

First, find a good therapist if not already in therapy. You will need professional help to navigate through this process, and will not be easy.With the help of the therapist, decide whether to deal with the parents and trying to force him or her to change the dynamics of their relationship on his side or simply work on healing yourself.

Learn how to set limits

Toxic parents consistently violate borders with their children that would respect an emotionally healthy father. Part of the development of a healthier relationship with your toxic parents will include learning to preserve those limits on their side."For example, if you have a toxic father who blames friends, decline to answer questions about them.""I don't think we really need to discuss Jerry, do you know? let's talk thing."

Must you break the relationship?

If you tried to set limits and affirm yourself with your toxic parents with results unsatisfactory, or if the situation is extreme and their physical or emotional well-being is in danger, should consider cutting the relationship with his father, at least temporarily.This will be difficult;After all, what kept him under the thumb of the toxic parents as a child was his fear of abandonment.But it may be the only way to move forward.

Train your internal voice

If you grew up with a toxic father, it is likely to be internalized many lessons without being aware of ello.Terapia, therapy specially cognitive behavioural therapy, can be taught to recognize and to reverse negative one.

Try to feelings of guilt to be unfair

It can be very difficult to let go of the ideal (since it is an ideal and not a reality for children of toxic parents) loving father have their interests at heart. is may feel guilty about your negative emotions of your padres.Por aside, their toxic father can be wonderful part of the time. and secondly, not supposed to love our parents? you may be aware of the circumstances of toxic parents took this childhood comportamiento.O can assume forgive your parents is part of the healing process if you and your therapist have reviewed their reasons for doing so and feel that it is in their best interest, could be a step positivo.Pero note that it is you who is at the heart of this change, not your parents.

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Who are we? Coming of age on antidepressants

Richard Friedman, MD, has recently written an article in the New York Times on our troubled relations antidepressants. He opens his article asking how antidepressants may affect psychological development and patient identity database.

  This is an interesting question, some were discussed in the past, but worth another attempt.Unfortunately, Friedman Explorer of this question.Ce that it Explorer, however, is the difference between what we know about the drugs, and what we don't know: scarcity of long-term efficacy study and long-term safety studies. 

On the one hand, he observes, there is almost no good effectiveness study spent two years terminaison.Et point a brief commentary on warning on suicidality, where it considers that the risk of suicide is actually small enough, the risk of the disease is greater.  Suicide, he wrote, is the third leading cause of death among youth.

Friedman follows the ambivalent model many psychiatrists muse on their land.  It offers one or two paragraphs on the benefits of antidepressants, followed by another on risks or unknown.And mandatory on requiring more data, requiring better monitoring.

SSRIS are the most studied class of drugs in the history it was more studies, data and Yes, more followed, to something that other SSRIS.  In addition, it is more debate, both in psychiatry and the general public on the effects of these drugs - not only in biological terms, but socially and whose existence is. 

  The problem is, that Friedman, insufficient information.  The problem is the opposite: too much information and too little context.

The question is not "do they cause suicide."  The question is: a pill can interfere with complex behavior? If it can cause suicide you, why does it cause you to bake a cake? How a pill cause a series of complex behaviours occur resulting in suicide?  Or, conversely, how a pill changes your mind want to do?

The question is not "are antidepressants better than placebo for treating depression?The question is: that means "treatment for depression?A simple example is that most SSRIS are tested against a scale (e.g. HAM - D) which has three (17) questions about insomnia, but none on Hypersomnia.Is it conceivable that a drug may treat insomnia and thus consider artificially good treatment of depression?Or better than something that treat insomnia?You bet.

Most psychiatrists will agree that depression that results from not clear cause, "" I have nothing to depression, but I'm "") differs from depression due to a cause (e.g. divorce.)Surprisingly, there is however almost no study differentiate the efficacy of a drug in these two scenarios, whether Zoloft is preferable for depression divorce for the non-raison depression; or if the Prozac Zoloft divorce better, depression, etc.Tout is regroupée.tous depressions are the mêmes.tous SSRIS have the same efficacité.Il is almost never asked if consistent efficacy of SSRIS is not due to the fact that that they are all tested against the same scales; and if the new had been invented (e.g. a Hypersomnia questions) some SSRI would be "better" than others.

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