Thursday, October 14, 2010

Old drugs learning new tricks

There is new information on an old drug. Mecamylamine is an old drug originally used to treat hypertension. He had many side effects, such as hypotension and sedation and therefore do not often utilized. He had a bit of a resurgence later as an anti-smoking drug (this is an antagonist of nicotine) but overall efficiency was bad, and side effects made it difficult to use. It was then suggested to use as reinforcements to traditional nicotine replacement medicines (gum, patch, etc.). It also has some off-label and occasional use of autism, Tourette's obsessions.

Recently, he has tested for the treatment of depression.It has proved to be better than a placebo on scales of traditional notation for patients who had no citalopram .c ' is good, which makes it particularly interesting is that the dosages used were much less (by a factor of 10) that which had been used for high blood pressure - and these low doses, mecamylamine only blocks Nicotinic Receptors in the central nervous system, those not peripheral - resulting in much less sedation and hypotension.

He also had considerable effectiveness in reducing irritability .Penser it may be as with a smoker have a cigarette after a long plane trip.

This is well and good, but it brings to three questions:

First of all, why we are experimenting old drugs? The answer is much to do with the current climate of anti-Pharma.Antidepressants in General already came under fire, two researchers who recently "discovered" that they are not very effective, as well as insurance companies, lawyers and firms médias.Les pharmaceutical, even if they could, would be hard pressed to make a novel composed of depression in an environment like this. It is easier to reapprove existing medication. See you old repackaging (consider the Pristique), expand the approval of drugs already used in Psychiatry (Abilify obtain approval for ancillary use of MDD;) (Seroquel as monotherapy for bipolar depression) and looking through what already exists for new indications.

Secondly, if old drugs can be used for the mood (in this case, in particular the depression), which say that about depression itself?Hypothesis of norepinephrine depression was in vogue for a decade, soon to be replaced by serotonin;But how do you explain how some people react to the Seroquel and other Wellbutrin, when the two have nothing in common pharmacologically?More importantly, how do you explain it when the same person meets two meds?

Third - and I have checked - there is nothing at the moment mecamylamine increases the risk of suicide.(The same can be said of Seroquel and Abilify.)If mecamylamine indeed obtain approval from the great depression, it will automatically inherit suicidality black box warning? the drug shares no chemical similarities to any antidepressant existing; but if we call it an antidepressant, it inherits all the risks of a? it is not an issue as it attached to the drugs that science has no reason to suspect - inactive.avertissements but what words charged – contribute to environment, I wrote about earlier, in which nobody wants to try something new, because it is not simply vaut.Et if we offer until pale hope that old, barely tolerable blood pressure pills save us.

View the original article here

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