Friday, October 22, 2010

Unlock the door to the prison staff

Depression, anxiety, helplessness, hopelessness, anger, frustration, dependency, rejection, solitude and more. Everyone feels one or more of these feelings at a time or the other.

Not be may wish them away. These feelings can make you feel as if you're in a prison or hell, and the door locked tight. You even can not think of an exit.There are no Windows and the door has been closed therefore time, don't even know if there is a key to ya.Si exists, make sure that you don't remember where is.

It is important to realize that the door to your personal prison blocks and unlocked from the inside.You walked in full, and you can walk right outside anytime that desee.nadie put him there but thou. sure that circumstances has occurred, but how you think that those circumstances affect that it will determine whether or not to cross the threshold of the door in the dark.

In addition, there are three components to walk or through the door of the prison.

1. Freedom
2. Election
3. Responsibility

We are free to choose to start looking for a way out.
We are free to choose stop looking output.
We are free to choose to try to do different things.
We are free to choose to give up and accept what we perceive as our "lot" in life.

Whatever our choice is our choice.We must be responsible for that choice.

It could not have been her choice who died of their loved one.
It could not have been their choice who has lost his job, home and car.
Could it not their choice... fill in the blank space.

But it is your choice how you respond to that situation. and my friend, is what you're responsable.Por therefore has the key to go and has the key to salir.En anytime you want.

This does not solve the problem completely, but it is the first giant step to advance towards the sensation of something diferente.Es a great relief to know that life is simply not happening usted.Que can regain their control and make your life that you want to sea.Mantenga keys at all times.

You can't control all circumstances in life, but controle.Controlar how reacts and how to respond.

Lock yourself in prison or in a personal hell is purely a personal.Usted decision can walk on by mistake, but if you don't like how you feel, open the door and get out fast!

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