Thursday, October 14, 2010

How depression affects women

According to the National Institute of mental health, more women that men are diagnosed with depression each year. The reason for this difference is unknown, mainly because we don't have a complete understanding of what causes depression in any genre. It can make an argument that suffer from men and women really depression in equal numbers, but that women are more likely to get help and be diagnosed. However, this scenario does not explain disorders such as depression postpartum and premenstrual dysphoric disorder exclusive both women. Either the mystery of why rates of depression are about the same for children before puberty, of which the rate of girls becomes twice the rate for children.

Depression is a highly individual disease, and the exact causes are going to be different in each caso.Dicho this, it is believed that depression in women is caused by physical, social and emotional factors.


Women's hormone levels change at various points during his lifetime: puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, during the transition to menopause and menopausia.Las women are vulnerable to depression after childbirth and during the transition to menopause (perimenopause). We still do not understand the correlation between hormone changes and depression, but experts believe that hormonal changes are a factor in depression in women.


Women are at a higher risk than men of domestic abuse and sexual assault, and by-products of these experiences are low self-esteem, self-blame, and a sense of helplessness. In addition, studies have shown that social conditioning can generally leave than women with a low sense of self-esteem and the competition.Stress is believed is a contributor to depression, and experts have theorized that the particular stresses that women can be treated (greater responsibilities in the home, only being a caregiver for the elderly paternity) can realize the highest incidence of depression among women compared with men.


Women tend to be mentally ruminators, and this activity is believed to contribute to clinical depression.Floating is the other face of concern.When you worry, obsessing about things that have not happened (and could not happen) .when ruminate, think about things that have happened, try to find its meaning and think about what could have said or done in his lugar.Mientras that a certain amount of reflection on the recent events is healthy and even useful, focuses its attention persistently something that cannot or will not change is not constructive, and can contribute to depression.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Some women around 3 to 5 percent of women in United States, are susceptible to a severe form of PMS called disorder (PMDD) .the premenstrual dysphoric symptoms of PMDD resemble syndrome premenstrual, but gravity is such that interfere with work, social activities, and the relaciones.Además, most of the symptoms of PMDD tends to be emotional, while the symptoms of PMS are better balanced between physics and emocional.TDPM is treatable with medication and therapy.

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