Sunday, October 31, 2010

What you need to know about depression and anxiety

While depression and anxiety are two different conditions, there is a close link between them. Some studies suggest that up to 85% of people with major depressive disorder also have symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Although researchers are not sure why two conditions seem so often occur together, also have concluded that it can be treated in a similar way, both with respect to medications used, and also forms of treatment that have demonstrated effectiveness.


A person with depression has generally low levels of energy, found little or no pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, including sex and often has an overwhelming feelings of despair, fear, sadness, guilt, or anger.Anxiety is more acute, causing a feeling of imminent danger, a need to retire, flee or hide and physical symptoms that can mimic heart attack or other fĂ­sicas.Uno reason for the close correlation between depression and anxiety disorders may be involved in the loss of control that a person experiences with both condiciones.Cualquier loss of control of life or circumstances can bring feelings of depression and anxiety.


A sense of danger or deep fear often with no apparent cause, is the hallmark of anxiety.This feeling makes the body's response "fight or flight" turn on, elevates the heart rate, blood vessel constriction, and injection of adrenaline into the bloodstream, to prepare the body to deal with the "threat".Dado a person experiencing these feelings often feels completely out of control, can be one of the outcomes in the long term from anxiety attacks repeated depression and its related conditions.

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