Saturday, November 20, 2010

Get to know your treatment for depression & anxiety attack options

Once told me that those who suffer from depression are simply too boring and don't "nothing better to do". Au contraire! Recent research has shown that a common cause for depression is anxiety that comes with a person who has to deal with a multitude of stressful thoughts and feelings. This often leads to debilitating anxiety or attack "panic". Although the time of the attack feel desperate and alone, there are plenty of resources available to assist a person with Depression anxiety attack.

The difference between anxiety and depression

Although both conditions are very closely related, are still two conditions very different. depression often provokes very melancholic feelings such as despair desperate or even anger and frustration. Overwhelmed feelings that experiences a depressed person makes a low level of energy, which affects your work and personal life significantly.

Anxiety, depression of low levels of energy, unlike that often leads a person to an extent such that leads to a full of panic and become riddled with miedo.Los anxiety attacks or "panic" occur frequently in situations that are completely non-fatal as the pumping of gas as a gas station or go to the store to buy leche.Si untreated, this condition can paralyze life that no longer can function normally. They are not able to go to work, are not able to maintain relationships and it has not yet being able to flee their homes due to crippling fear.

How to treat anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression are different conditions, however, are treated in a very similar way.If you suffer from any condition, these are some treatment options available to you:

-Medicines.Most doctors will prescribe a kind of "antidepressants" or other "minor tranquilizer" to help reduce harmful in any condition. Although actual effects in the short term, these medications cannot solve actually the mystery behind of your depression or anxiety. Please note that any type of medication also comes with a list of harmful side effects, likely to be addictive and tolerance. Once on a particular medication for a time, quickly find that you need more than the particular drug to receive the same benefit.

-Cognitive behavior therapy. This form of psychotherapy works best when the patient is no longer in denial that have a problem of any kind and cooperates fully. This treatment is to reduce or eliminate automatic destructive as negative "talk" and situations that can trigger the onset of depression or an attack behaviors.

-Relaxation techniques.As depression and anxiety are very physical conditions, learn to relax the body can greatly facilitate the hassle of both disorders.Some methods used include deep learning techniques, biofeedback and relaxation breathing muscles.Mental health professionals can help you learn these exercises properly so that can be used as part of their treatment.

-Regular exercise.This is perhaps the easiest and one of the most effective treatment options available to you.Exercise makes a version of a chemical called "serotonin", which is believed to cause feelings of happiness and hope in the brain.

-Diet.This is another easy way to start the treatment of anxiety or depression. stay away from stimulants such as caffeine and sugar excesivo.evitar processed foods and try to follow a diet more natural.Buscar foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acid and magnesium.

In conclusion, to choose your treatment or treatment, also take into account the severity of depression or the ansiedad.Cuánto time has been suffering any condition also both help you as your healthcare professional to decide what treatments can be more effective for usted.No never forget himself medicate, since it is easy to become dependent or drug overdose (this can also be applied to herbal supplements) more important turn to family and friends to apoyo.Serán your personal computer of joy and make sure that you are successful in fighting against anxiety and depression!

Hello, my name is Jenny Hunt and often suffer from chronic panic attacks before stumbling a solution that has changed my vida.Si want to obtain more information about the anxiety attack depression and how to treat this condition, feel free to visit my site at

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