Friday, November 19, 2010

10 Tips for Dealing With Anger in the family

It can be difficult to deal with anger if there is an underlying cause which has not been addressed, such as the frustration. Frustration is common when times get tough and we feel that we can not deal with or find solutions. If family members feel that their concerns are not recognized, this may trigger frustration and anger too.

Release of stress, anxiety and depression in the mix and have the outline of a dysfunctional family.

Anger and frustration can arise when communication is non-existent or ineffective. Families who have good communication and listening skills are less likely to live with anger on a regular basis.

There are many reasons why members of the family are not well communicated. It can occur from an inability to express their thoughts and feelings efectivamente.PodrĂ­an be so focused on their own concerns that do not consider that the views of others.

This lack of communication and anger, and the resulting frustration often leads to injure sentimientos.En serious cases, marriages are broken because it cannot pass his wrath and disagreements.

The first solution is to analyze problems from a different perspective.
If you come home tired and stressed, only to be bombarded with everyday problems of your spouse, it is quite likely that is in no condition to escuchar.Su spouse determines are insensitive and becomes angry.

Instead of the direction of this situation directly, you get into a discussion about it.the argument may boil over weeks or months until one day, has a large outbreak and storm outside.

Find ways of expressing the sentiments of the moment can quickly allay any disentimiento.Saber your spouse that needs time to relax and rest, and then you can better listen and offer support.

When things are out of control and IRA is a common occurrence in your family, it is time for everyone back and examine each of these and other points of view, opinions and feelings.
If you lose your temper, consider how appears with the rest of the family. It is very likely that they have no idea why you are angry.

Instead of opening of communications, it is more likely to avoid him. Little by little this extract the family apart.

Here are some points to consider.

Accept your anger could not be deleted.Everyone has bad; dayspeople are angry.Persistent anger would be fearful, retired parents that can lead to anxiety and depression. remember to calm down and be compassionate about the feelings of his family.Listening is as vital as express their sentimientos.Buena listening skills makes wonders.Convey your point with calm and respectfully.Do not raise their voices to make his point.You have rejected ideas and accept it expect correctamente.Compromiso is a good cosa.De this way, everyone gets a small piece of the pastel.Tratar understand the source of anger, so you can find solutions together. tell your spouse that you are trying to change and get support in their esfuerzos.Si anger turns violent or persists, consider seek help of a counselor, a doctor or a therapist.

Accept that this process will take time and honest effort of all understanding, examination and communication are key to success in dealing with the wrath of her family.

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