Thursday, November 18, 2010

Energetic healing for the Elimination of anger

The true purpose of anger is encouraged to take action. We can be more present us with our feelings and express somehow we released anger more easily. The best example of the expression of anger and let go quickly comes from animals. They are directly with acting on anger, then once the situation quickly return to a calmer behavior. These creatures have the key is an immediate recognition of anger in themselves.

The problem is that most of us cannot be taught to be present with our anger in some way shape.Some of the most common topics we created a distorted vision of anger are: good children don't get mad, a dominating force through us to create the presentation, or face the wrath with anger más.Lo all have in common is a fear-based and does not enable that person to express them bodies in a constructive way.

If you are present and recognize our own IRA is quite often. Although there are moments acting on their anger is necessary.However, we in this world the consequences when we go beyond the limits of social mores and customs are sometimes stuck without the most important thing to remember in these situations expresarnos.Lo opportunity is that we express and render our anger in some way. Most of the time all of what is required is exploring it well alone, with a friend or in a therapeutic environment.

For those who have a history of suppressing anger may not be as aware are enojados.puede be sometime after they realize that he had angered. Suppressed feelings with years of arguments and justification for why should not upset that it takes a very strong event that occurs before they feel angry. This group was taught probably aversive somehow feel or express anger is not accepting and safe.

For those who express anger too aggressively. It is a fear of being the person down or damage that they are avoided.Took the perspective it is better to dominate that suppress.

Do you have in common the two perspectives is an afraid (for the most part of unconscious) to be present with anger experienced.? Reaction is different, one that projected to others and the other takes inward.It is important not to judge any view as more good or bad, better, or peor.Gente chooses differently due to their environment, parenting, order of brother and other variables.

The first step to break its own cycle is realization that it is your own creation. People who influenced to be in some way not has created you, or its limitations. Some had little choice but to express anger by deletion or dominate. It is important to not judge him as mistaken you selected.

Freedom begins it identify how reacts to anger. You are viewing patterns that you have created. What triggers or situations that stimulate dominate in anger or delete it? What are the dynamics of its past are creating models that are living now? Was a dominant parent, or a passive influence? It is good to start with an analytical look.

When you can begin to see the dynamics of situations you grew up with and is currently living in is time to take another step. Look home to stressful events in your life feel what is in your body. Where are the intensities of these stored memories?Does your stomach when you relive those memories strains? is the surprise of a memory stored in our solar plexus? Our body possesses these memories strongly and these fears suppressed unconsciously influence us to recreate the situation again and again. The way our body of tackling these problems. There are easier ways.

On the other hand, our mind reacts to the unconscious influence which is recreating the repressed anger or fear.Respond to a situation of today with the intensity that we were experiencing with an anger suppressed since childhood.Why we are active to be too angry in a situation and do not understand why.It is the same mechanics of what we don't understand why we are depressed or anxiety attacks.

The process to stop these distressed memories feel the intensity of the past anger without judging it.Do you feel as fully as possible, perceiving what is perceive all the rage and fury.?It is important to remember not to fear or judge it (how evil and terrible era).Be an observer of the situation are beginning the process leaving to go.

Apart from previous exploratory process I like using the tools for transformation of energy due to emotions, thoughts and beliefs are cleared at celular.Cuando we can find energetic deep memories of these events a major release of repression can release permanently and rápidamente.Es a process of identification of anger, feeling that and very effective borrarlo.Es change their limitations with anger.

Bart Sharp is a facilitator access learning from Austin, Texas.A through the years, Bart has worked on variety of topics with individuals and grupos.Bart likes access tools as release limitations of people quickly and form permanente.Mucha people feel a visceral version limitations during the sessions. unprotecting from our library of audio and video to experience access go to or [].

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