Monday, November 15, 2010

Anxiety, anger, and depression - discover power wonder of self-help programs

Concern, fear and hyper vigilance are common symptoms of anxiety. Other signs include voltage, over-thinking, palpitations of the heart; fluttering in your stomach, nervousness, located in the chest, etc..

Are the only expensive professional counseling and medication treatments solutions?Absolutely not! remember, anxiety includes oriented stress and cognitive processes, physical signs counterproductive thought.

Changes in process of thinking and practicing new healthy behaviors are the keys crucial to the recovery expensive therapy and counseling are not unique responses;proven scientifically constructed self-help programs can also produce transformational changes.

Remember, anxiety is a mechanism of fight or flight and was originally designed to protect us from any damage. Nos prepares to fight against the danger, i.e. can the heart palpitate, beat more and raises blood pressure.

From anxiety gets ready to combat a threat, our nervous system begins to generate a flow of high blood to the muscles, thus allowing the body escape or combat depending on the need. Blood is diverted their abdominal area to its section musculoskeletal, causing a decrease in the functioning of the digestive system.

Once again, has been created anxiety in us as a survival mechanism to improve our chances of survival.
If you suffer from abnormal anxiety, is likely to have a neurological trend built-in to worry or fear that it can occur a catastrophic event harmful or dangerous is based on a situation of activation.

Is why changing the pattern of thought, anger reduction and reduction of anxiety training face-to-face in self-help treatments scientifically sound can help to almost overnight. Changing patterns of thought and the reduction of tension training presented in these self-help treatments work at the Centre of command, the path of very think!

Anxiety is strongly driven by two brain structures: the hippocampus and the amígdala.estas structures triggered when an irrational perception of a potential threat or irrational anticipation that could happen something harmful or dangerous are manifested.

These irrational perceptions and apprehensions fearful are activated by their thinking patterns pathological. are they which are directly addressed in self-help State-of-the-art treatments

Anxiety and anger is triggered when the body and the individual feel threatened these feeling States are defense mechanisms.We are wired with them in order to protect ourselves from a universe of real or imaginary dangers.

However, due to errors, genetic or unfortunate genetic trait, many of us pool types develop abnormal, pathological forms of anxiety that are activated while there is no realistic dangers with which we lidiar.Por that instead of protecting us from problems, this anxiety actually causes - for any rational reason.

This is what is known as an ansiedad.Trastornos anxiety disorder are divided into several types, including specific phobias, widespread panic and obsessive compulsive anxiety disorder.All of them are activated or aggravated by unconscious thought and pathological and obsessive imaginative patterns that go directly by proven self-help treatments.

A phobia is a specific fear of a certain thing, the person or situation. These include fear of snakes and speak in public fears fóbica are irrational, because perceived or anticipated damage that imagined is not likely to occur.

Phobic symptoms are fed by an extensive catastrophic and irrational imagination that has gone wrong.All in all, fears resulting submission in anxiety disorders while catastrophic, invalid.

While non-valid, some people experience terrifying and attractive panic attacks towards problems breathing, feeling of Vertigo and even fearing that one will loco.Esto is caused by the subconscious and catastrophic way to imagine the consequences of the dreaded.

In free floating anxiety, tension or foreboding tarnishes most experiences in everyday life of a person; there is no incentive específico.Por elsewhere, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a strange kind of anxiety that gives patients the idea that something is really wrong with your mind.

In this condition, individuals have repetitive thoughts that point to some dangerous if a certain behavior, such as checking the lock on the car is not repetitiva.A consequences weigh the imagined consequence is irrational, sick need compulsively repeated the ritual to alleviate his anxiety of the dreaded consequence.

No rational reason repetitive hand washing is another ritual that some pacientes.Considerando than, psychotherapy, counselling and some medications can be useful to reduce the intensity and frequency of obsessions, they are expensive.

There are notable self-help programs available which are much less expensive and have the potential to produce surprising results in reducing the symptoms of anger, anxiety and agitation.

Dr. Shery obtained his doctorate in psychology at the University of California asesoramiento.Él South is a psychologist with 30 years of experience and a leader author; offers self-help programs and free from risks that are guaranteed to eliminate anxiety, anger, and agitation quickly and painlessly; if it is not satisfied, you'll learn about these a reembolso.Más self-help treatment proven

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