Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Depression and its connection with borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder has, among other symptoms, depressive traits, in which the patient is subject to feelings of failure, rejection and isolation trafficking. Other symptoms include;

1. The certainty that people have hidden motives towards them.
2. Strong feelings can be exploited by people for bad reasons.
3 Are quite unable to work with others, mainly due to two reasons preceding.
4 Have an opinion very low themselves, since the person that it suffers from depression, and
5 Are generally hostile to people.

When they are filled with suspicion with respect to others, are quite unable to understand this suspicion is false, that is on their minds and linked with that reality. Suffer cyclic episodes of anxiety and depression, but these States of mind do not last long. If desired, are a product of borderline personality disorder.

I stated this desire of isolation, but nevertheless be just afraid to them. Patients are always the risk of suicide and must be on suicide watch all the time.

It is believed that you between 1 and 3% of American adults suffer from this disease, while there are very few positive data to support this.

Personality disorder borderline was named in the age of 40 and 50, because they thought he was on the border between psychosis and neurosis. Since then it has been disproved.Been considered as a serious disease, the House of representatives United States declared may month of borderline personality disorder.

What makes matters doubly difficult is that little is known about the condition.What is known is exclusively based on empirical research. In most cases, the patient displays lability or mutability, between anger and anxiety or depression and anxiety. It is very difficult to control their emociones.La sad part is that most of them yearns for a careful, loving relationship, but that ruin their chances due to its sudden outbursts of anger, his mood swings and an impulsivity that pushes to others at a distance.

Another strange symptom is that sometimes they view themselves as completely rotten individuals, even malas.En other times simply do not exist at all.The closest thing to the ratios are love/hate.Having seen everything in black and white, this makes sense.There are no gray areas.

Grey areas, of course, are vital in our makeup, to act as compromiso.Por general inadvertently, pledge 20 or 30 times a day.We will not, in the throat of others all the time and this is precisely the condition experienced by borderline personality.Make a statement with that if you do not agree, fly in a fit of anger.

As the person who suffers a bipolar disorder, borderline personality tends to participate in risk behaviours.Like speed, driving car as fast as they can.Often participate in games of chance and consumption of drugs, this last dose dangerously high.

The only reason that physicians have been presented so far, is the rather lame genética.El father had the condition, therefore, your child may be subject to ambient así.Medio, a history of abuse infantil.Y anomalies cerebrales.La ultimate reason seems quite obvious. the point is that part of the brain, or combinations of parts, are causing the problem?

Serotonin, they say, may not function properly, but all this is grabbing pajas.junto with schizophrenia, this is a disease which should be in the top of the list for research, so find a positiva.Destroza cure many people's lives, not only the poor sick, but their families, thus

Mike Bond, this time discussing one of the most unpleasant conditions; disorder personality borderline. notes that the depression and anxiety play its role in the disease, and we suggest you visit their site at http://www.panattack.com to see an excellent mini-course how you can rid yourself of anxiety and panic without the use of drogas.Encontrará attacks there is absolutely free.

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